The CIVIL Engineering App helps the Civil Engineering students, who are willing to learn the basic concepts of Civil Engineering as well as preparing for competative exams like GATE, SSC JE, State PSCs Like UPPSC, RPSC, MPPSC, RSMSSB JE etc.
SSC JE exam conducted by Staff Selesction Commision for various posts like CPWD JE, CWC JE, BRO JE, MES JE etc.
Note: SSC Junior Engineer 2020 (SSC JE 2020) has been postponed.
GATE exam Conducted by IISc and Various IITs for higher education in Engineering and Technology
GATE 2020 exam will be conducted by IIT Bombay.
RSMSSB Junior Engineer (RSMSSB JE) exam will be organized by Rajasthan Staff Selection Board for recruitment of various posts like PWD JE, PHED JE, Panchayti Raj JE, WRD JE etc.
Main features of the CIVIL Engineering App :
It is Absolutly free.
Objective Type Questions (MCQs) Related to Civil Engineering discipline, proposed more than 4000 important objective type questions.
More than ten core subjects of Civil Engineering like Building Materials, Concrete Technology, Environmental Engineering, Estimating, Costing and Valuation, Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics, Irrigation Engineering and Hydrology, RCC Design & Structures, Geotechnical Engineering (Soil Mechanics), Steel Design and Structures, Structural Analysis, Surveying, Transportation Engineering (Highway and Railway Engineering), Water Resourses Engineering etc.
In English Language, Hindi Language proposed for diploma Civil Engineering students.
Regularly new and important questions are added to strengthen your preparation.
Powerful Feedback Response etc.
Any querry or feedback regarding the CIVIL Engineering App, Please write us at We will happy to respond you.